mercoledì 19 aprile 2017

Mind Map: lettura e comprensione del testo inglese (terza media)

Una mappa per orientarsi nella lettura e comprensione di un testo e qualche semplice linea guida per riuscire a rispondere alle domande cercando di evitare gli errori.

Dopo la mappa, troverete un testo e una serie di domande con risposta, svolte seguendo le indiczioni della mappa.


Every summer, Jersey celebrates the Battle of Flowers. Only 90,000 people live on the island. But the spectacular parades attract 30,000 visitors each August. The first Parade of Flowers was in 1902, to celebrate the coronation of King Edward VII (Queen Victoria’s son). The parade was very popular and soon it was a regular festival. It was traditional for the men to throw flowers to beautiful women in the crowd. At the end of the parade, the crowd had a “battle” with all the flowers. Now there are about 100 floats (= carri) and bands every year. People from the island work for months to create incredible designs. They use more than 150,000 real flowers and paper flowers and work all through the night before Battle Day. Competition for the prizes is intense, but now they don’t have a “battle” with the flowers at the end of the parade on Battle Day! The next evening, they put lights on the floats and they have a Moonlight Parade along the seafront. Finally, the festival ends with spectacular fireworks on the beach.

1.When is the Battle of Flowers?
The Battle of Flowers is (takes place) every summer

2.How many people live on the island of Jersey?
90,000 people live on the island.

3.When was the first festival?
The first Parade of Flowers was in 1902

4.What did the first Parade celebrate?
The first Parade celebrated the coronation of King Edward VII

5.What do men traditionally do during the  Parade?
Men traditionally throw flowers to beautiful women in the crowd

6.What do they use during the Parade?
They use more than 150,000 real flowers and paper flowers

7.Do they have a “battle” now?
No, they don’t have a battle now.

8.When is the MoonLight Parade?
The MoonLight Parade is the day next the battle

9.What’s the final event of the Festival?

lunedì 17 aprile 2017

Mind Map: how to write a letter (terza media)

Uno schema per scrivere una lettera di presentazione, simile a quelle richieste per l'esame di terza media. Questo schema è per per una lettera di presentazione, poi può essere ampliato aggiungendo gli argomenti richiesti di volta in volta (descrivi la tua città, parla del tuo futuro, parla di un viaggio che hai fatto...)


I got your name from my English teacher / a friend of mine
I would like to have a pen friend (pen-pal) … So I’m writing to you
I’m very happy to have an English per friend / a pen friend in England

I was happy to get your letter yesterday
I was very pleased to receive your letter
I have just received your letter
Thank you for your letter
It was great to hear from you
I haven’t heard from you for a long time and I would like to have your news
I am sorry I didn’t reply sooner
I didn’t reply sooner because … I had to study hard last week


I have got a lot of things to tell you
I want to tell you about …


Well, I must finish the letter now as … it is getting late/ I have a lot of homework to do
Well, that’s all for now


Please write soon
Write to me when you can
I hope t hear from you soon
I hope you’ll write to me soon
I look forward to … hearing from you soon / seeing you in July


Remember me to your parents
Say hello to your sister
Love to …

Bye for now
All the best
Lots of love
Best wishes

giovedì 13 aprile 2017

Mind Map : come scrivere una Daily Routine (prima media)

Un aiuto per realizzare il racconto di una giornata tipo, in inglese, per la prima media.

Biscotti ai cereali

Avete presente quelli dalla nota marca?
Beh questi sono molto meglio e sicuramente sani!

Ho trovato la ricetta da BENNY&BULA , ce ne sono per tutti i gusti ma , per iniziare, ho decso di provare con quelli al cacao. 
Li ho cotti per soli 20 minuti, anziché i 30 consigliati nella ricetta originale, e forse anche un po' meno sarebbe servito a mantenerli un po' più morbidi. La prossima volta proverò a sostituire l'acqua con succo d'arancia per un gusto più deciso.

mercoledì 12 aprile 2017

Biglietto di compleanno homemade

Dopo aver visto questo video e quest'altro .... abiamo creato questo biglietto di compleanno!

Eravamo indecise!!!
Tanti auguri PAOLA!!!